Pretrial Services
The Pretrial Services Program helps reduce the number of defendants held in local jails before trial and ensures that the criminal justice system is fair.
It provides background information on a defendant to assist judges in making more informed release and bond decisions. The program is primarily for non-violent crimes or those that receive bail but remain detained following the initial bond hearing.
Pretrial services also provide community supervision to defendants released on bond in order to ensure compliance with specific court-ordered conditions.
The Program offers:
Jail-based screening and investigations (Interview defendants at the local jail the morning after their arrest)
Defendant interviews (Document defendants’ residence, employment, alcohol/drug use, physical and mental health, probation supervision and criminal history)
Criminal history background checks
Reference checks/verification of community ties (Contact the reference provided by the defendant to verify their information)
Risk-assessment bond recommendations (Use VPRAI (VA Pretrial Risk Assessment Instrument) to determine risk level and PRAXIS as the guidelines for release recommendations and supervision levels)
Reports and recommendations provided to the Court
Risk-based supervision levels
Alcohol and drug testing
Progress/Update and Violation letters to the Court
Monitor specialized programs and services
Pretrial Services are prohibited from
Supervising community service or restitution obligations
Supervising clients after they have been sentenced
Framework for Pretrial Justice.pptx
The Framework encompasses four dimensions:
Legal basis for release and detention proscribed in state and Federal bail laws, case law and other legal opinions.
Standards for pretrial release and diversion.
Research and EBPs associated with pretrial release, particularly validated risk assessment and risk mitigation strategies.
Organization Theory describing the elements and practices of high-performing organizations, such as the emphasis on staff and customer satisfaction, work and functions associated with a clear mission, and use of outcome and performance measurement and feedback.
Authors: National Institute of Corrections (NIC), National Association of Pretrial Services Agencies (NAPSA)
97 slides
Domestic Violence and Bail.pptx
Author: National Association of Pretrial Services Agencies (NAPSA)
11 slides