Therapeutic Docket
The Therapeutic Docket is a post-plea docket serving Albemarle and Charlottesville. It targets defendants who have been diagnosed with serious and persistent mental illness.
The Therapeutic Docket is a court-administered behavioral health treatment program. It combines mental health treatment, treatment for co-occurring disorders such as substance abuse, and provision of services for other identified needs to increase the likelihood of a participant's success. Participants are supervised by a specially-trained OAR case manager, and attend regular Therapeutic Docket sessions in the District Court.
The Therapeutic Docket offers participants a chance to make meaningful, positive changes in their lives and an opportunity to receive a favorable disposition of their charge, by completing program requirements. For most participants, their charge will be dismissed following successful completion of their case plan and graduation from the Therapeutic Docket program.
Defendants charged with a misdemeanor in Albemarle County or the City of Charlottesville, with the exception of Driving under the Influence. Some lower-level felony offenses will also be considered, at the discretion of the Commonwealth’s Attorney.
Defendants for whom a serious behavioral health disorder played a significant part in their offense.
Defendants without a significant history of prior violent or sexual offenses within the last ten years.
Each participant meets with the Therapeutic Docket Team to develop and implement a treatment plan that meets their needs.
The General District Court Judge is also an active team member and will meet with participants in court every other week to assess their progress.
The Team ensures that participants are offered what they need to be successful in the program, which may include behavioral health treatment, medication, cognitive-behavioral counseling, drug/alcohol testing, and referrals for housing, educational and employment assistance.
Call your attorney to inform him/her that you are interested in the Therapeutic Docket.
Inform health staff at the jail of your interest, if you are confined.
Inform OAR Pretrial staff, if you are interviewed for a bond hearing.
Fill in Section I to initiate the Program.
What you need to know about the program and its rules.
About the Program
The mission of the Therapeutic Docket is to provide an evidence-based, judicially-supervised approach that addresses the needs of eligible defendants, for whom there is a likely connection between their mental illness and their criminal behavior. The Therapeutic Docket will facilitate their identification and diversion from incarceration, and link participants to appropriate mental health treatment and community support.
The Therapeutic Docket is a post-plea docket serving Albemarle and Charlottesville. It targets defendants who have been diagnosed with serious and persistent mental illness. Defendants may be referred to the program by their attorney, the Commonwealth's Attorney, the pretrial/probation officer, the mental health case manager, jail mental health staff, a family member, the magistrate or the Judge.
Once a defendant successfully completes the requirements of the Therapeutic Docket, the Court may impose a suspended fine or suspended jail sentence if a conviction had been entered earlier or, in the appropriate case, dismiss the charge. The Court’s dispositional options are determined by the defendant’s compliance with treatment, adjustment to probation supervision, prior record, and the nature of the instant offence(s). A graduation ceremony marks the completion of probation supervision.